The Perks Of Childhood

My sister (Julia) and I have this thing for children's books and movies. Especially Walt Disney's and Astrid Lindgren's creations. E.g. The Lion King, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella and Pippi Longstocking, Emil i Lönneberga, Lotta på Bråkmakargatan. And last but not least - Madicken - which, as you hopefully have knowledged, is what this photo session features. To be specific; The time when Madicken and her little sister (Lisabet) decide to make a trip to their house's rooftop. Once there they have a picnic, with sandwiches, sausages, meatballs and so on. And then Madicken comes up with the "splendid" idea of jumping of the roof with nothing more than an umbrella. We also had in mind the time when she and her family are supposed to have a lovely picnic, but wind up in a tree instead. They get chased up in the trees by bulls, since they were actually in a pen and not at a simple meadow. (If you don't have a clue about who Madicken is or haven't seen these specific parts, press here. Unfortunately for those of you who only know english, this is in swedish, but you can try google it if you want). 
However, this was a day together with my sister. It was her gift to me on my birthday; that she would plan a day for us two. So, since we have always loved Astrid Lindgren's stories and when we were little we got a lot that we looked like Madicken and Lisabet, the theme had to be Madicken - and therefore these pictures. And Julia hade prepared all this, for example she made these beautiful aprons for us. It was obviously a super fun day.

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