life is a universe
music by Detektivbyrån - video and editing by julia and I
my sister and I made a video a a couple months ago and we have been editing it like forever over and over again, but finally we are done. and now for you to watch. I absolutely love this song and we thought it would be the most perfect song to a video like this. I hope you enjoy it.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: mirjam
Gal 1 fin video ju! <3
Postat av: lovisa/polichinelle
fantastiskt! och så älskar jag detektivbyrån.
Postat av: Caroline S
Lite på samma tema. :)
Postat av: Jennifer - Kanada
Jag gillar den massor!! Så himla fint :) Älskar detektivbyrån också. Keep up the good work med din fina blogg!