with great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY













these are the rest of the pictures Amanda and I shot like two weeks ago. And, as I wrote earlier, both the lovely bustier and the pastel skirt are from Gina Tricot. And my striped shoes I bought at Nasty Gal (Jeffrey Campbell).
I don't know about you but I, however, am not a huge fan of action-movies. There are a few that I like, but not my favorite-kind-of-movie. Whatsoever, a couple of weeks ago I watched spiderman (the first one) with my sister and brother and, surprisingly, it came out to be a very good movie. I strongly recommend it, which is something I never thought I would do, so you should really take some time and watch it. There are a bit of action involved, yes, but also some love. But what I will never forget about spiderman, is the wise words he believed in - with great power comes great responsibility. That is something I recommend even more. You, as well as I, will end up in a lot of situations through life when power has been given you. When that happens, use it wisely because you have been given as much responsibility.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: lovisa/polichinelle
älskar't. som alltid.
Postat av: Lovisa
Gud vilken häftig blogg du har! Redan kär efter första besöket!
Postat av: Hayley
Oh what gorgeous photos! that is the cutest little outfit aswell :D i really love your shoes they are a pretty awesome design :P
Hayley xx
Postat av: E
Har du en tatuering där på din handled?
Postat av: Michelle Ho
<3 lovin' the whole outfit! You and Amanda are gorgeous as always! <3:)
Postat av: Felicias mode
Underbar outfit! :)
Postat av: Emma
Härliga bilder!
Postat av: Sinsiii
Sååå coooolaaaa!!
Postat av: Amanda [foto]
Superfina bilder!!!
Postat av: ELIN- fashion, inspiration, style
love it! :D
Postat av: Benedicte
Fine bilder :)
Postat av: elin
alltså måste bara säga, faan så du är snygg!!!! galet
Postat av: Sari
Underbara bilder, love it!
Postat av: josefin mandarin
herregud vad fint. och skorna, to die for