the one with the marketing





One day, in Tenerife, we decided to make a visit down at the market near by our hotel. It is always as exciting to got to the market, prepare your stuborn self and make some real good bargains. We both made a few good ones there, which then became the typical coming-home-from-trip-gifts to our families. You get to make up for the countless times your parents have come home and given you gifts.
However, It was really really hot that day, so a bunch of water bottles had to come with and never have water tasted so good.




Since we didn't know the neighborhood very well, obviously, we took a little detour before we found our way to the market. But it didn't matter that much, because then we got to see the beach, which also was just a few hundred metres from the hotel. Even though it wasn't windy at all, the waves were extremly high. We had so much fun.












I am wearing a turqoise top I made myself, a pair of denim shorts I have also made myself and a Ben'nJerry's cap.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: Sofie Kollberg
AHHHH fattar inte hur mycket jag verkligen saknar det där just nu!
Postat av: Felicias mode
Blir ju riktigt ressugen när jag ser dina bilder!! :) Så fina
Postat av: Clara
*avundsjuk brud här borta*
Postat av: Alice
Damn. Snygga brillor!! Vill. Också. Ha.
Postat av: Joy Malou
Åh vad glad man blir av att se dessa bilder! Strålande :D