Umeå Fashion Week @ Kii



I'm terribly sorry for not updating you at all lately about anything that is going on in my life. A lot has happend the past few weeks, which unfortunately explains my abscence here. But I will do my best to catch up with you now. First of all, I have officially left my childhood home and got a cute little apartment of my own now. I've waited for this day a while now, not because I didn't like it at home - it was the best. Because I have looked forward to having my own kitchen, bathroom etc. that I can decorate and rule over myself. I have been buying and saving stuff that I have found at second hands and flea markets from time to time. And I cannot explain the amazing feeling of finally getting to use all these things I've collected.
Anyhow, that is probably the biggest happeing in my life right now and I will obviously show you lots of photos of the apartment soon.
another thing is that I, as the most of you probably know, graduated this spring and so I have not gone back to school this autumn. Instead I have moved to an apartment in the city, kept on working on the café that I have worked at extra hours for more than a year now and I have also started to work at this amazing clothing store called Kii. A store that I have admired for so long, since it sells and works with first and foremost lokal and national brands, as well as some scandinavian. Both small and huge, but all good in their own way. It has a really cozy and personal feeling to it, in a good way and I am so honored to now be one in the Kii-crew.





And the next thing that has happend is the annual fashion week in my city; Umeå. It was an on-going thing last week, so the whole city was in movement of fashion show and events. And one of the big happenings was arrenged by Kii, our own fashion show. We had a bunch of super talented people from a music college that modelled for us and sang incredible during the entire show. And I got the amazing opportunity to assist and be in the middle of the styling process, during the whole week. I have arrenged and styled a few fashion shows before, but it is always truly interesting to see how other people work in these kind of situations.
I also had the great mission to photograph the entire event, which, as you all know, is a task I am pretty comfortable with.
so here are a few photos from that crowded, yet successful night last thursday. And for more information, visit Kii's website HERE.
Tea Should Only Be Drunk In A Library




These photos are styled and edited by me, but taken by Jonas. I came up with this photo session this summer when we were on vacation at the little swedish island Gotland. We and the rest of my family got the great opportunity to live in this amazing huge limestone house, which is where these pictures take place. The house is very old and antiqued, in a good way, and has lots of interesting corners and small spaces. This room right here is one of them, a small library with a piano - perfect for a cup of tea.
The Perks Of Childhood




My sister (Julia) and I have this thing for children's books and movies. Especially Walt Disney's and Astrid Lindgren's creations. E.g. The Lion King, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella and Pippi Longstocking, Emil i Lönneberga, Lotta på Bråkmakargatan. And last but not least - Madicken - which, as you hopefully have knowledged, is what this photo session features. To be specific; The time when Madicken and her little sister (Lisabet) decide to make a trip to their house's rooftop. Once there they have a picnic, with sandwiches, sausages, meatballs and so on. And then Madicken comes up with the "splendid" idea of jumping of the roof with nothing more than an umbrella. We also had in mind the time when she and her family are supposed to have a lovely picnic, but wind up in a tree instead. They get chased up in the trees by bulls, since they were actually in a pen and not at a simple meadow. (If you don't have a clue about who Madicken is or haven't seen these specific parts, press here. Unfortunately for those of you who only know english, this is in swedish, but you can try google it if you want).
However, this was a day together with my sister. It was her gift to me on my birthday; that she would plan a day for us two. So, since we have always loved Astrid Lindgren's stories and when we were little we got a lot that we looked like Madicken and Lisabet, the theme had to be Madicken - and therefore these pictures. And Julia hade prepared all this, for example she made these beautiful aprons for us. It was obviously a super fun day.






Rijeka In The Middle Of A Crowd








As I've told you I am at this moment in Croatia. Taking in the last breathes of summer and saving up for the winter. Unfortunately this is our last day here, which always is a moment of mixed feelings. Sad to be leaving this amazing place, with the summer heat we never get to experience in Sweden - Thank God for airplanes. But at the same time there is always a good feeling about going home again, after having a great vacation. To meet all of the people that are closest to you. Tell them all about the trip and what you've experienced. And of course there's nothing like the feeling of laying in your own bed again.
However, this post wasn't supposed to be all about whether I have homesickness or not. It's more about one day, the other weeek, when we visited the big city Rojeka here in Croatia. It was 35 degrees (celcius) that day, so it was obviously extremely hot. Especially when you're in the middle of a crowd, and not at the beach.
But even so, we had a great day. In the middle of our sunny-beach-pool-vacation, it was so much fun to walk around in a big city and experience a different kind of environment. We ate ice cream, went through stores and even bought a few things, strolled around in different alleys and streets, just to get away from the crowd of tourists. A really great day. And you know what they say; if your feet hurt like crazy at the end of the day, you've done something right.








The Ben'n'Jerry's cap is Jonas and comes from some store In San Fransisco. The dress I got for my graduation and is from, the backpack is from Urban Outfitters and The shoes are Adidas.
Feeling Of Croatia







So the summer is unfortunately heading to its end. But instead of facing that fact, Jonas and I went on a two-week-long vacation to a little Island called Krk in Croatia. We have been here for a bit more than a week now, and have about four days to go. We're living in this amazing apartment, just a five-minute-walk from the beach and city centre. We rented a scooter for a few days, which gave us the opportunity to go on smaller trips all over the island. We have been wakeboardning, snorkeling in the clear turqoise water, visiting beautiful white stone-beaches, taking hikes through valleys and between mountains to reach these amazing places, and eating creamy gelato. We have also had picnics everywhere and there and one day we visited the big city Rijeka. All in all, we're having the best time here and I can't do else than agree with the people who've been describing Croatia as crazy beautiful.








A Pastel Rooftop







But an other thing that was not amazing about this night, was that it was the last time Amanda and I did something together. At least for 4 months, since she is moving for college in New York City next week. I will not babble here about how sad it is, but the main point is that I am going to miss her tremendously.
Never Too Late For A Good Graduation




Here are the, almost forgotten, photos of what I looked like at my graduation in june. I am totally behind my schedule for posting these now. But when it comes to good pictures, that you have really put yourself into, I believe it's never too late. These photos are taken by my dear sister, and styled and edited by me.
These exact pictures were taken about a week after the actual day, but my graduation was the most magical day. Maybe except for the few moments when it unfortunately rained a lot, but even so the experience was something I've never been through before. The whole day was scheduled and planned out for you. I probably got up around 5 am and went to bed at 2 pm. You would think that all those hours would give you some kind of rest between the events, but that was unfortunately not the case. I have never in my entire life been activated, physically, socially and mentally, as many hours as I was during that particular day. So, obviously, I was beyond tired when heading home that night, but I had had a great day that's for certain. A memorable day.





The dress I bought from, and the rainbow shoes are from
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High school avenue of Midgård



As I've already told you I graduated from high school recently, about three weeks ago, and I still haven't wrapped my head around it.
However these are, and will forever, be the last photos Amanda and I took as real students at Midgård (the name of our school) in the avenue we've used countless times during our three years. These pictures will also be the ones I will look back on and get extremely nostalgic over high school. Memories will come back to me, hopefully only good ones, even though bad ones sometimes can be as important.
Whatsoever, I'm guessing, the fast that school's over, will catch up with me at the end of summer. When september no longer will be known as the month when school starts, but only the beginning of autumn and whatever else I choose it to be.




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Hills above ground




A while ago Amanda and I made a visit to a few hills and fields near by her house. It was one of those places where you realize that your town atually is incredibly beautiful. The surroundings in these pictures are doing half of the job really, but the key is to manage to capture them in the right way, which I think we did pretty well.
I also think these pictures have a kind of 60's glow at them. I guess the phone might be an important factor to that one, but also the colors and the fact that we are laying in the grass dressed up in long skirts and high heels - since that wasn't at all a rare or strange thing to do back then, like it, unfortunately is nowadays. Which, I think, makes it more important and fun to do it. So here we are, laying in the soft grass on hills above ground.






Seems like only yesterday, just around the corner











Here are the rest of the photos and the complete post about my high school prom. I have already told you that I had a great night, so this time I'm letting the photos do the talking. And for those who don't know this yet; tomorrow happens another, much more huge, thing in my life. I am graduating from high school. I can't believe the day has actually arrived. Seems like it was only yesterday we started our 100-days-countdown, but it obviously wasn't. Anyhow, tomorrow is going to be an awesome day in every way. Different things and activities will go on from 7 am to God-knows-when the next night. So excited.






I also have to tell you that my mother and I have actually sewed my prom dress. I designed it myself, last autumn, but planned and figured out the sewing process I did together with my mom. It always takes a lot longer than you expect it to, so we have been working with this project since november, every now and then. Not constantly of course, but you get the picture. We finished it two days before prom(!), but I am so happy about the outcome. It turned out even better than I thought.
So, my dress is designed by me and sewed by my mom and I. The shoes I actually ordered from Nelly. The corsage is designed and made by the swedish florist shop Interflora, and it is a pastel pink peony (which also is my favorite kind of flower, for those who are interested).
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Like the cherry on top


Jonas took these photos of me a few weeks ago and right after that I was supposed to post them, so you could get a better hint of what my new shoes looked like. But since it has been so much going on the last few weeks before graduation and stuff, I haven't had the time. Now when things, like prom for example, have past I finally get o show these to you. As you probably can see I have used my circular flash in this photo session and I think it went perfectly with the feeling I was looking for. The contrast between my skin, dress and sunglasses came out really good and clear when editing, just as I had hoped. And I am so happy about the feeling my shoes are bringing to the pictures, they're like the cherry on top.



However, the black velvet dress I found at the Red Cross a while ago and it has these cute flowers on it, but unfortunately they are really hard to spot here (at all..). Sunglasses are Cheap Monday and my shoes are Jeffrey Campbell from Envi Shoes and I actually bought them particulary for my graduation day, but I sort of couldn't wait until then.
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Would Cinderella fit in this world


The past few weeks have been full of preperations for the high school prom and last night it all happened, it was time.
Prom has been something I've longed for since pre-school. It has always seemed like the perfect night, when everyone dresses up in their most beautilful dresses and suits. Then they arrive at the ball in fancy cars, to walk down the red carpet with either a princess och prince on their side. For one day you would get to live the life of Cinderella or Sleeping beauty, or in the boys' case the princes in these stories. It would be magical.




Since pre-school my expectations for this day had gone down a lot. The thought of being in a cinderella story didn't feel that realistic, so it was long gone. Yesterday I experienced this event and to be honest, even though I didn't feel like the actual Cinderella, I did feel like a princess during the whole night with my own prince by my side. Surrounded by other princes and princesses, we arrived in a fancy car, walked down the red carpet and even waltzed one time during the night.
I am glad I got to experience this night for many reasons, but one is that I realized that princes and princesses are actually for real and not only in the royal house in Stockholm. Even though it's a shame those sides of us are so rare in everyday life, at least I know they exist.
The point, however, is that I had a magical night at prom and these pictures are just a preview of what it and we looked like.
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the movement of a midsummer sunset



Our wheather up here in the north of Sweden has been crazy hot the last few weeks, which we're certainly not used to here. Not this early anyway. All of the trees and the flowers has therefore flourished much earlier than normal and right now it feels a lot like midsummer in Sweden. Which was our exact thought behind these photos, when we shot them at sunset the other week. That day we also hade one of our well-planned theme nights. This time it was a mix of romance and everything that comes with it and the feeling of the Romantic movement, which we tried to convey in these pictures. I think we did pretty well.









I'm wearing a bustier from Urban Outfitters, a new skirt from the Red Cross (which makes me think of candy cans) and my new favorite rainbow shoes from Envi Shoes, Jeffery Campbell.
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water melons grow on palm trees



One night in Tenerife after dinner we brought some water melons from the buffet with us and went down town to do a photo session. As any other country with a hot climate, it was a lot of palm trees in different sizes over there and we found a few small ones that went perfectly in the background of every photo. And to simply explain why I chose to hang on to a peice of water melon in every picture, is that I truly love them. I am crazy about any kind of melon really or fruit, but it is something about water melon that makes me obsessive, just as cherries does.




I am wearing a skirt from Beyond Retro, a bustier from Urban Outfitters, Creepers from Underground and sunglasses from The Red Cross.
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ABBA during the 70's





My parents and I often take walks through the golf course that lies near by our house. Mostly beacause it has great walking paths that altogether gives you a length of 3 miles, which normally is what we're looking for. But also because of the amazing sourroundings. With the meadows and different sizes of hills all colored with bright green and at night when the sun is on its way down it is a pretty magical sight i can assure you. It actually feels a lot like a scene picked out from Sound of music.
However, I have been craving to take photos there and so Jonas and I did a while ago, when the green grass had just started showing. I chose to wear a top I have sewed myself and my new pink 70's pants, which according to my 12-year-old brother makes me look like one of the ABBA artists. I found them at second hand, and even though I am not completely comfortable wearing them yet, since it is not the most common garment in my closet at all, I really like them.





