laughs, don't you think?

I have just recently finished a photography project that I have been working on. we were supposed to work with unsharpness in different ways. And this one, above, is my favorite. Mostly because it is such a happy picture, laughs must be the most beautiful thing. don't you think?
tack och hej leverpastej.

okay, so this poster displays a big marvelous event coming up next week. But, unfortunately for those of you who lives outside of Sweden, it is in Sweden, in Umeå at The Red Cross (Kupan city), so I will have to take this in swedish.
Det börjar alltså närma sig mot ett sort spektakulärt event på Röda Korset, Kupan City, nästa vecka (på onsdagen). Det är nämligen så att vi inviger Kupan City efter att ha piffat upp den till sitt bästa jag. Affären är nu fixad och klar, redo att möta världen, vilket vi firar med ett event där det kommer hållas tävlingar, lotterier, mingel och det kommer även erbjudas 25 % rabatt för alla kunder. Förutom dessa roliga aktiviteter, så kommer vi även vistas i Kupans fina atmosfär. Jag kommer definitivt vara där och jag tycker även att DU, som bor i Umeå, borde lyfta på rumpan och ta dig hit mellan 16.00-20.00. Det kommer bli bäst!
tack och hej leverpastej.
what took you so long?









today it is friday. THANK GOD it's friday! Friday what took you so long?
I don't know about you. But , for me, today is all about calming down from a week full of hysterics. I am really exhausted. I have had a swedish final, a mini-driving-license-test before the real thing in a few weeks and last but not least I am struggling with a small project in photography. But I am trying my best to keep my head high.
Have a great weekend everyone!
except from my creepers, all of the clothes (blue flowery shirt and denim pants) are from the Red Cross (röda korste, kupan) and if you're swedish and live in Umeå you can find them at Kupan city.
tack och hej leverpastej.











so this week has been a blast so far and I have a feeling it feel keep up that way. Anyways, a few days ago Amanda and I had another, of our many, theme nights. And this time we ended up calling it 'teenagers wear pastels'. I, as a lot of others at the time, have a thinh for pastels. Pastel green, pink, blue, yellow, expecially yellow. So we decided to wear pastels, paint our nails in pastels, be surrounded by pastels, we even made chocolate drinks with pastel colored creme. yum. I really love these kind of theme nights. It makes it so much more fun to do things.
however we ended the night with movies that just fitted in perfectly with the rest of the day.
tack och hej leverpastej.





the custard shirt is from Urban Outfitters. the pants suit are second hand, the Red Cross actually. and last but not least the shoes are from Circus Sale.
Easter is here and yesterday I had the most wonderful day together with Jonas and mum. we didn't do something super special or anything, but we had a great time. Eat a marvelous breakfast. Took a long walk in the sunny weather. Looked for Easter eggs that mum had hide for us. Watched a movie and made a awful good dinner. as I said - a great day.
It was one of those days that didn't feel stressful at all. I don't get a lot of those these days, so I am very grateful.
hope you have had and will keep on having a great Easter.
tack och hej leverpastej.
easter's coming up, it might be COCA COLA








all of the clothes are from the Red Cross (röda korset) - the long marine cardy and the cute flowery shirt/dress.
The winter is back. I know it is not what appears on the photos. That's because they were taken last tuesday, before the endless snowing started and the hideous cold came back. And as suddenly surprising the weather changed tremendously, I have also managed to get a horrible cold. I hope it get over soon. Because Easter is coming up this weekend and the spring break next week, and it would be nice to have the strength to do something but lie in bed.
to the suedes: the flowery shirt you can find on the Red Cross (Kupan city, Röda korset), but the cardigan I fell in love with myself and is exactly what I have been looking for, so I actually bought it yesterday.
tack och hej leverpastej.