New sunglasses - HM. new knitted top - HM. pants - unknown. shoes -borrowed. jacket - second hand. jewellry - gina tricot and JC. lipstick - borrowed.
tuesday and I'm in love with colorful. I'm goin gto marry the sun and we will live have a lots of summerclothes and we'll live happily ever after. the end. end of discussion. love colors right now. especially two strong colors mixed. like sun-yellow and cherry pink which I wore today. felt like summer. so glad the weather has come the its sences. so we can have something diffrent than cold snow for a change. thank you.
by the way. both the glasses and the yellow shirt is new this week. love them already.
tack och hej leverpastej.

Postat av: stina
söker verkligen exakt sånadär pants!
Postat av: Johanna
Du har en superfin hårfärg!