you is kind. you is smart. you is important.

I have some things I have not showed to you, like these denim shorts that I bought at Beyond Retro and remaked a bit myself. The christmas red jumper is something I found in the closet and remaked too and the collar is my sister's. My mocha jacket is also a new second-hand purchase I got the other week.
As you can see I have dyed my hair, it was last week and I am really pleased about this colour, it is not actually this bright red though, it is more of a ginger-kind-of-colour. and I love it!







tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: lovisa/polichinelle
så himla kanonfint.
du är så fantastiskt fin
Postat av: Anonym
Åh! Du har färgat håret, inte sant? Kollosalt fint!