ballonger är glädje. de tyder på något glatt. färgglada och granna. det är inte en slump att vi använder de på kalas och vid speciella tillfällen. ballonger får folk att le. glädjeframkallande.
translate: ballons make you smile. they are pure joy. so colorful and happy. there is not a coincidence that people use them on special occasions. how silly it may sound - they bring joy to the world.
I've noticed i've got some english followers recently. ans i'm now concidering translating the things i write. so you all can read my thoughts about pictures and stuff.
i'm not a professional english writer, but i'll do my best. it's not like someone gets hurt if i spell a word wrong. so i will try this. hope you like it.
and besides it's good practice for the summer when me and my family are going to visite my dear sister in USA for a month.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: Sammy
Ohh how exciting your going to US. I'm so happy you will write in english too - i like all your pictures and am excited to read what you have to say! xo sam
Postat av: Divaaaaaa :)
gahhhh, these are amazinggg (:
i'm so happppy you'll be writing in englishhhh
Postat av: kristina
åh, så fina bilder!
Postat av: Susan
Awesome... thanks for writing in english. Loved looking at your pictures but now I can read your thoughts too. xx
Postat av: Olivia
gaaaaaaaaaaah så fina bilder!
galet coolt bruden., din blogg bara blir större å större :D ASM!!
Postat av: JULIAAAA
Postat av: Mamsen
Postat av: Anais
Yeah keep translating your sayings in english cause you also have french readers who don't understand a word of swedish ! Thank youu!