spongebob and me









here is the rest of the photos of spongebob and me. I love how absolutely silly that top looks, just my kind of clothes. it gets me so happy just by looking at it. and the denim shorts are of course another work of Days in Denim
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RED CROSS // help people from a distance





As I mentioned in the last post, I was working at the Red Cross yesterday and I thought I would tell you some more abput that. The thing is that I have been hired at the Red Cross. I am sure the most of you know what they do, but for you who doesn't, it is a global organisation that helps people in need all over the world by raising money in different ways. They have two second hand stores here in Umeå and from now on I work there together with Amanda as my companion every tuesday. We are in charge of marketing. What we do is that we pick out clothes that, according to us, are trendy right now and then they send them to the other second hand store down town. We also have the great honor to pick out outfits and take photos of them. Last but not least we post them on our blogs for marketing, like I am doing right now.
so, for those who lives in Umeå as well, I recommend that you make some visits at the Red Cross. I asure you, you will find some pretty cool stuff.
Whatsoever, this is what keeps me busy every tuesday and I totally love it. I am doing something I love and for a good cause. what could be a greater combination?
it is such a mighty thought that you can help people from a distance.
so, as I am sure you understand, everything I am wearing on these photos is from the Red Cross (except from my creepers and pantyhouse of course)




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this young lady // STAY TUNED



I went to the Red Cross today and got some work done with this young lady, we had so much fun. looking forward to every tuesday from now on. but more about that later on. STAY TUNED.
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so many things I need to say to you, SOME DIE YOUNG

last week my friends and I went out in the absolutely marvelous weather. nothing makes me happier than the spring, the smell of spring. When the sun comes back into your life, the snow is no longer hiding the streets and everyone seems so much happier, smiling for no reason. I want it to stay this way. I am so over winter. it is in the past.

If you haven't noticed I have recently dyed my hair, same colour as before, but I just keep falling deeper and deeper in love with the ginger-type-of-colour. The one thing missing is freckles. I adore them as much as
ginger-coloured hair. I would love to have some of my own.
by the way, I will post a few other photos on on this particular outfit shortly. I just have to show you more of my new favourite yellow top and my gorgeous shorts from Days in Denim that I made the other week, you'll love them.
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for those who wonders, my spring break has been a blast. As earlier said I went downhill skiing with a bunch of wonderful people. the last two days of freedom I spent celebrating two dear friends that just had turned 18. Amanda and Lydia, congratulations once again!
Now I am heading for school. see you around pumpkins!
the photos are shot by my very good friend magnus.



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nu ser han sådär frånvarande ut igen

after a long week full of school stuff, it is finally time for the annual winter sports holiday. It feels just about time. on monday I am heading up north to our cabin with Jonas, my sister and a friend of hers and later on the rest of our family will join us too.
we will be busy downhill skiing, pretty much the whole week. But of course there will be some movie nights, probably a few parlour games and just hanging around the cabin, sitting infront of the fireplace doing nothing, just because you would like to.
have an awesome week everyone! see you around.
and by the way, the retro yellow top is my sisters, from secondhand reborn and the black denim shorts were a par of jeans before I made them my new par of favorite denim shorts.
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