OH OH, they are wearing stripes

Spotted. Platforms walking across the street. Oh Oh, and they are wearing stripes.
Okay, so this is HUGE. These are my new fabulous platforms from Jeffrey Campbell (Nasty Gal). One-mile-high heels, I know. I actually thought it would a lot harder to learn walking in them. But it really wasn't. The ground has moved up a few inches, but that's all there is. Other than that it feels pretty much like usual. Perfect for those, like me, that are not of equal length with the Eiffel Tower and have a boyfriend that is.
To make a long story short, I am over-my-head-in-love with them. They really have swept me of my feet.
tack och hej leverpastej.

Postat av: Lydia


2012-05-15 @ 16:25:07
Postat av: Hilma

Följer du Ebba Zingmark? Ni har väldigt lik stil!

2012-05-17 @ 22:49:45
URL: http://pictwins.blogg.se/
Postat av: Maja


2012-05-20 @ 22:13:20
URL: http://majawl.blogg.no
Postat av: Fanny

Så snygga outfitbilder du tar!

2012-05-21 @ 17:19:39
URL: http://fannylehmann.blogg.se/
Postat av: stina caesar

OJ JÄKLAR. från och med nu och för alltid så kommer jag älska din blogg. du är helt jävla grym tjejen. så jävla cool snygg söt... förlåt att jag svor. men kan inte utrycka mina känslor på något annat sätt just nu kraaam

2012-05-21 @ 20:20:05
URL: http://stinacaesar.blogg.se/
Postat av: Siriporn Melissa J ♥

Vacker tjej med härlig stil! :)

2012-05-22 @ 22:27:17
URL: http://lovelysiriporn.blogg.se/
Postat av: Anonym

Those are super cool shoes !! How tall are you with them on? you look like 6 feet tall !!

Svar: oh thank you so very much! I'm not that tall, actually, since I am normally not that tall at all. When wearing those wonderful stripes I'm like 5 feet and 7 inches tall.

2012-07-31 @ 21:02:50

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