you've ever had breakfast at Tiffany's?

Have you ever had breakfast at Tiffany's? I actually have, truly.
These pictures were shot the third day in London. We continued with our senior year project (that I told you about in THIS earlier post) and did the opening scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's, if you have never seen or even heard about this movie before you should look it up and watch it immediately, it is truly amazing. However, we did that scene just outside of Tiffany's dressed like this and it was so much fun. We got a lot of questions from the people who past by; what we were doing, if it was breakfast at Tiffany's, which designer we were shooting for and so on. We even got photographed by a street style photographer, which was the second time that week.
I will most likely show you our movie scene that we made later on, when we are finished editing, but for now you can take a look at these pics instead.







tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: JULIAAA
åh så otroligt fina bilder!!!
Så vackert!
Postat av: two things
åh fyfan vad snygg<3
Postat av: Emma
Underbar klänning!
Postat av: bea
åh vill oxå!!
Postat av: Lina
hej! Vart har du köpt din awesome snygga klänning? :)
Postat av: Sanna Rudolfsen
Åhh älskar din blogg helt grym klädstil här ska jag stanna kvar:)))
Postat av: Julia [Stil & Foto]
Klänningen var makalöst snygg, var är den ifrån? :)