High school avenue of Midgård
As I've already told you I graduated from high school recently, about three weeks ago, and I still haven't wrapped my head around it.
However these are, and will forever, be the last photos Amanda and I took as real students at Midgård (the name of our school) in the avenue we've used countless times during our three years. These pictures will also be the ones I will look back on and get extremely nostalgic over high school. Memories will come back to me, hopefully only good ones, even though bad ones sometimes can be as important.
Whatsoever, I'm guessing, the fast that school's over, will catch up with me at the end of summer. When september no longer will be known as the month when school starts, but only the beginning of autumn and whatever else I choose it to be.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: frida
typ bästa byxorna jag sett!!!