propellerkeps på sin rätta plats


I am caught up skirts and turtlenecks right now. You know the feeling you get when walking into a store and you don't actually know what you're looking for, but seem to be drawn to something. Turtlenecks and skirts are that for me in the present. I have felt that feeling a lot lately, which has resulted in me buying a bunch of skirts and turtlenecks the past weeks. Lucky for my pocketbook all of these garments are found at second hand stores and I have also sewed some turtlenecks lately which is very economic way of getting a new wardrobe.
How do you like my cap? Another colorful and good-looking accessory belonging to my dear boyfriend Jonas. It is a cap by Ben & Jerry's, you know the ice cream company, which my sister got for him in San Fransisco last summer. It is supposed to have a propeller on the top but Jonas removed it after a while since it wasn't that practical.






Ben & Jerry's cap - Jonas', from San Fransisco Turtleneck - H&M Flowery skirt - The Red Cross Shoes - Creepers from Underground
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: felicia.
guu så snygg outfit, precis min stil och vad jag diggar!
Snygg äru med!
Postat av: JUNITJEJ
Söt outfit!
Postat av: Beata
Your pictures are PERFECT!
Postat av: Felicias mode
Såå fin!! :)
Postat av: Tess
Snyggt! :) Kram
Postat av: JULIAAA