I am extremly happy to have noticed that there are some new visitors here. I would like to welcome you here and tell you that I have NOT forgotten about your questions.
I just thought while we are already into it we may as well have a Question&Answer time for a couple of days. how about that?
just leave any question that comes up to your mind in this post!
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a week ago my dear friend turned eighteen, so me and my other friend thought we would give her something special. which made us come up with the idea of making a hanger for clothes just out of a stick found on my back yard and a wire of steal. we painted it white and brought out our handy side.
whatsoever, it was a pretty long stick so we made two of those hangers, and one of them has got its own special place in my room. The latest addition to my very own collection of furniture and it just fits right in.
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The Rockerfeller Center moments
there has been six months already since I was in America with my family this summer. feels a lot like a dream now, when you look back. but it was real and it was the most wonderful experience.
however I miss it like crazy when I look at these pictures. and also there are a lot of them that I still haven't showned to you. since, lets face it, one month filled with constant photographing every single day leaves you with billions of photos. I hope you don't mind it was a time ago, because I love them.
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on the bottom you have to remember the top, and the other way around
as long as the snow is laying on the ground and you have to wear more than a million layers to not be cold or get wet, you will have to do your best to remember the best moments. During the winter it is the upcoming spring carrying the light with it and the futuring summer adventures waiting to be experienced, that is keeping my energy going.
I read somewhere that when you are on the bottom you have to remember what it felt like being on the top, just as when you are on the top, you have to remember what it felt like on the bottom. great words.
these photos help to remember one of the best things about summer, being able to wear what ever you want and bare legs is not a problem. summer might just be the most wonderful time of the year.
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I have been getting a few questions about how to get in touch with me.
so I thought I would tell a little bit about that, for those who are wondering.
My name is Cornelia Helleday and I am the one behind this blog.
If you are in any way interested of getting in touch with me, if you have a question or two or if you just want to contact me, email me:
möjligenheten att få uttrycka sig.
igår var jag med i tidningen för första gången i mitt korta liv. jag har aldrig haft den känslan att ens läsa ett litet kort stycke om min födelsedag när jag var mindre.
därför var det otroligt roligt men också overkligt att läsa ett helt uppslag om mig själv och mina intressen i gårdagens tidning.
det var nämligen så att bara för någon dag sen så tog en tjej från VK (västerbottens kuriren) kontakt med mig angående min blogg. så vi träffades dagen efter och jag fick berätta om alla möjliga saker, som t ex. hur viktig min stil är för mig och vad jag vill säga med den, var jag får min inspiration till fotografering och min stil ifrån. otroligt kul verkligen att få möjligheten att uttrycka sig.
vi pratade också om den här diskussionen idag om att många modebloggerskor oftast inte blir tagna på allvar och vad jag tyckte om det. då fick jag använda det klockrena citatet från den fantastiska filmen "djävulen bär prada", fashion is greater than art, because people live their lives in it. otroliga ord.
det var en oförglömlig upplevelse absolut.
och när jag ändå är igång så vill jag också välkomna alla nya besökare och tacka och bocka för de fina kommentarerna! De uppskattas verkligen.
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ginger BRAIDS and pitch black LIPS
with ginger braids in my hair and a cute lace bustier with pink flowers. pitch-black lips and dark coloured polish.
feeling a lot like a twist between pippi longstocking and a messed up doll. not a bad combination actually.
cute and dark at the same time, must be the perfect mix of ingredients.
the bustier I have sew myself, and the shorts I bought at Beyond Retro this autumn. and last but not least my new platform sweethearts. I absolutley adore the leopard print.
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bare legs and flowery dresses
amanda and I did a photoshoot in my fluffy, ridiculously comfortable bed. the light was perfect and with bare legs and flowery dresses, it almost felt like summer.
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Måste bara på något sätt få uttrycka mig om vilken underbart stor inspirations källa du är! ÄLSKAR din blogg, kan inte sluta bläddra igenom arkiven. Har bara en fråga, med vilket program har du redigerat den översta bilden här? De svaga färgklickarna syftade jag mest på, underbart.
fick den här frågan av en tjej som heter Ida, så jag tänkte bara att jag skulle svara lite kort.
till att börja med så vill jag bara säga tack, det är verkligen så roligt att höra!
när jag redigerar mina bilder så använder jag mig alltid av helt fantastiska PS4 (photoshop version 4) som jag gjort sen många år tillbaka.
när det gäller "de svaga färgklickarna". Det är något som kallas light leaks och finns att ladda ner här som en zipad (låst) fil som du måste zipa upp. sen monterar man in den light leak som man vill använda på en bild i photoshop. för att ändra filen från svart till genomskinlig så byter man frpn läge "normal" till "raster".
så går det till, hoppas det går bra att förstå min lite röriga förklaring.
lycka till!
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dearly beloved
these two sweethearts I got this christmas. platforms with leopard fur and analog fisheye camera.
I felt absolutely madly in love with the both of them. dearly beloved.
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MRS CUPCAKE is coming over for a cup of tea
I got a question about the size of these denim shorts (Mrs Cupcake) that my friends and I designed for our company Days in Denim. On our website we have informed about the waist size, in this case it is 61 cm and it describes the size where you button up the shorts and not the hip-size. the size that I am wearing is XS. they are a bit tiny, YES, they are after all EXTRA small.
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fifth avanue stallkompisar mrs. cupcake threesome first aid virgin
a few days ago we shot som pictures to our company's website. this is just a few. the first ones are named Mrs. Cupcake, then Fifth Avenue and last but not least Stallkompisar. if you want to see the rest visit our website or click HERE.
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happy new year everyone. give me a kiss would you?
right after the whole christmas-senario was over these three dearly beloved drove up to our cabin to keep me company during New Years Eve and a few more days. it was some great days, wasn't it.
we went downhill skiing, oh my, that was wonderful! and we packed some bags with snacks and warm clothes and had a great day on jonas snowmobile.
and suddenly the year 2011 was about to turn 2012. we had the best time celebrating and welcoming the new year.
so happy new year everyone..?
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life is a universe
music by Detektivbyrån - video and editing by julia and I
my sister and I made a video a a couple months ago and we have been editing it like forever over and over again, but finally we are done. and now for you to watch. I absolutely love this song and we thought it would be the most perfect song to a video like this. I hope you enjoy it.
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hun, without christmas I am no one
I am perfectly aware of the fact that christmas is over but I just thought I would show you a bit how our traditional christmas looks like.
we have a a lot of christmas traditions in our family. and every year, until this year, we have spent christmas at home. but this year and from now on we have decided to spend it up at our camp. a new tradition as my dad put it.
one of the first things that happens on the Helleday's Christmas Eve is that we eat a kind of christmas oatmeal, I am actually not a fan of this sort of oatmeal, I am just eating it because of the almond in it. it is like a smal competion, "the first one who finds the almond wins and gets to come up with an excellent rhyme". hehe corny I know. but traditions are always traditions.
after breakfast we put on some warm clothes and went downhill skiing in some great powder-kind-of-snow, the most greatest feeling in the whole world, promise.
later on that day we dress up and eat typical, a bit overestimated, but actually good christmas food.
then it is time for handing out presents and christmas candy, rocky road, chocolate fudge, toffee.
as many others I had a marvelous Christmas Eve.
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if you are kind, people may accuse you for ULTERIOR MOTIVES, be kind anyway
thought I would show you some photos you haven't seen before. they have just been laying around on my computer. so.
this autumn I went with amanda to the E&E glasses release, it was a lot of fun.
I spent my halloween in our cabin up north with my family and sweetheart. there is no other such great place as that cabin, you get so calm by just spending a few days there, doing nothing or anything.
the october 28th we congratulated my dear sister on her 19th birthday, partly by serving her breakfast.
after halloween I personally celebrated my sister, we spended some great time together.
the same day as the first snowflakes fell jonas took his driving licence. Then he drove to my house and surprised me with the great news. I have words for how proud I am.
every monday is a free day for my sister (and she likes cooking), so sometimes it happens that you get a few eatable surprises when coming home. perfect if you have had a rough day.
by the way, I AM going to publish some pics from christmas eve and new year's eve, and a video might also come because I video taped more than taking photos this year. so stay tuned.
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