Compliments in the rougher part of London




If you ever go to London, you truly need to visit Covent Garden and Brick Lane. It was two of those wonderful places that I fell in love with during my stay there. Covent Garden has the most perfect dinner restaurants, the food is absolutely amazing. The third day we managed to visit four different places. Camden Market, Brick Lane, Covent Garden och Earl's Court. They are all great places, but I especially recommend Brick Lane and Covent Garden. Camden Market is, obviously, a market full of different things; chinese food (as you can see pictured above) and a lot of clothing stores with really intersesting and rather usual stuff. Brick Lane is a really cool place, the bit rougher part of London, but yet so cosy and they have huge and amazing second hand stores, one of them is the great store Blitz. You should check it out!
Earl's Court and Covent Garden I have told you about before, in earlier posts, but we had our hotel in Earl's Court and Covent Garden was this magic place with restaurants and troubadours.







it was a great day and we met a lot of interesting and nice people. Basically everyone who lives in London is nice, truly. Two unexpected but nice guys, as you can see on the picture above, stopped because they wanted to be in a picture. Another nice person that we met on Oxford Street on a different day suddenly came up to us and said tht he just had to stop and tell us what nice outfits we had on, he just had to stop and say that. Amazing isn't it? We, Swedes, should really learn from them. To give compliments to one and one other.




all of the clothes that I am wearing in these pictures are new. except from the backpack. The knitted black sweater is from Topshop and so is the amazing lace skirt and the blue Dr Martens.
tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: ALMAS
så otroligt fina bilder
Postat av: lovisa/polichinelle
ditt utseende alltså. DÖR.
Postat av: Melina
Älskar London!
Postat av: Nora
Alltså åh din stil och din blogg är så himla perfekt!
Postat av: two things.
herre vilket fint leende du har
Postat av: celine
Din stil är underbar och spännande! Du inspirerar tjejjen!
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Du är så lik Amanda Righetti tycker jag!
Postat av: Anonym
östra london är magiskt och jag vägrar i stort sett lämna det
Postat av: Linn London
östra london är magiskt och jag vägrar i stort sett lämna det