a mixed tape for the lady in pink



Here is the rest of the photos I showed you in a post about a week ago, you know the one with my most recent investments. Well anyways, here they are in their true colors.
The egg-shaped sunglasses I recently bought at the Red Cross, has a touch of the 50's don't you think? Goes perfectly with my 50's bathing suit.
The tape recorder I bought this autumn at a second hand store in Gothenburg. The only thing missing right now is a few nostalgic tapes to mix it with. I had a lot of them when I was younger, which I guess are up somewhere in the attic but only God knows where.

This mini-light strand is one of my new investements which is not placed in my wardrobe. It didn't look like this when I bought it, I was inspired by Underbaraclara, so I also bought these crazy-pretty paper mugs and put them on the light strand.
the sleeveless turtleneck I actually sewed a few weeks ago, and I absolutely love it. Real simple to do too and a really simple-looking garment, perfectly matched to a colored or patterned skirt.


Both of the skirts I found at the Red Cross recently. The pale one might look like it's white, but it's actually a pastel-kind-of-yellow. Perfect for the easter-weekend coming up. The striped skirt in red and white is truly comfortable and I actually think it looks like a skirt directly taken out of the swedish children's movie called "Emil i Lönneberga" by the famous author Astrid Lindgren. That was one of my favorite movies as a child, so it makes me a proud owner of this special skirt.



Lastly I wanted to show you my crazy-pink coat I bought about a month ago, also at the Red Cross. There is not a lot of garments you fall in love with, but this one was a truly love-at-first-sight-moment-garment and I don't say that a lot so this is very rare. I love the elegant feeling and the cut of it.
I haven't found the perfect day to wear it yet though, but now with the spring slowly starting to appear it will be much easier.


And now I am in Tenerife, finally. We arrived a few days ago and everything is amazing here! There will be updates later on.
tack och hej leverpastej.
TCO - introducing a test for future employees

Okay so this is something only concerning those who live in Sweden and therefore I will take this in swedish.
Organisationen TCO jobbar med olika frågor, bland annat inom arbetslivet och den trygghet och de rättigheter som bör medfölja i detta. Just nu engagerar sig några av deras experter inom sommarjobben och hur man ska tänka kring valet av dem. Därför har de som en introducering till det arbetet utvecklat ett mindre test som man kan göra och pröva sig själv. Då får man reda på vilka jobb som passar en och även några meningar kring hur man uppfattas som person inom yrkeslivet, dvs. utifrån frågorna.
Jag gjorde testet häromdagen och i och med att det endast var 11 enkla frågor gick det väldigt snabbt och tolkningen av mig som person lyckades fångas upp tycker jag. Så kan defintivt uppmuntra er till att testa er själva! Testet kan ni hitta och göra HÄR. Lycka till!
tack och hej leverpastej.
investments doesn't necessarily rime with expensive


These three black and white photos are just a preview of the most recent investments in my closet. Except for the denim skirt in the last one and the striped Jeffery Campbell platforms in the middle one, those you've seen before. I will show you more about these garments later, but for now this is all you get. Think you could guess which color each of them are?
Just a heads up; as you propably saw in the other post my hair has unfortunately lost its violet color and gone back to being blonde. So I went to my marvelous hairdresser to do something about it and so I am now silver colored. It doesn't show in these photos very well, but it will be much clearer in the next post.
By the way, I don't think I have told you this but next week I am leaving this cold wheather in Sweden and going to Tenerife with one of my dearest friends Sofie for a week. I am over my head high excited. Just thought you should know.
tack och hej leverpastej.
propellerkeps på sin rätta plats


I am caught up skirts and turtlenecks right now. You know the feeling you get when walking into a store and you don't actually know what you're looking for, but seem to be drawn to something. Turtlenecks and skirts are that for me in the present. I have felt that feeling a lot lately, which has resulted in me buying a bunch of skirts and turtlenecks the past weeks. Lucky for my pocketbook all of these garments are found at second hand stores and I have also sewed some turtlenecks lately which is very economic way of getting a new wardrobe.
How do you like my cap? Another colorful and good-looking accessory belonging to my dear boyfriend Jonas. It is a cap by Ben & Jerry's, you know the ice cream company, which my sister got for him in San Fransisco last summer. It is supposed to have a propeller on the top but Jonas removed it after a while since it wasn't that practical.






Ben & Jerry's cap - Jonas', from San Fransisco Turtleneck - H&M Flowery skirt - The Red Cross Shoes - Creepers from Underground
tack och hej leverpastej.
a pastel look in violet


Okay so, as you have probably noticed my hair has been craving for me to do something about it, with my dark roots and all. Now finally, I have and I absolutely love it. This kind of pastel look is something I have wanted for quite a while now. pastel violet with a hint of silver and pink turned out really good, don't you think?
and this cute blouse with lace I recently bought at the Red Cross, not a typical garment for me but why don't try something new huh?





tack och hej leverpastej.