brutal green hearts


About a week ago, when we had a few days off from school, Jonas and I brought the camera and shot a few photos inside and outside, with and without circular flash, here and there. Those times when you ignore your real to-do-things, like school assignments, can sometimes be the best. Because then you have consciously chosen to do something else, and truly taken time to do it, which often makes the activity much more succesful. That's what I've experienced anyway.
However, These photos are a few of the bunch we took that day. You'll get to se more later on, so stay tuned.



tack och hej leverpastej.
Postat av: Elvirus
Cool ju!
Postat av: Annster
Fina bilder :)
Postat av: mormor Ingalill
Vilken kille!!!!
Circular flash var ju ashäftigt :D