water melons grow on palm trees



One night in Tenerife after dinner we brought some water melons from the buffet with us and went down town to do a photo session. As any other country with a hot climate, it was a lot of palm trees in different sizes over there and we found a few small ones that went perfectly in the background of every photo. And to simply explain why I chose to hang on to a peice of water melon in every picture, is that I truly love them. I am crazy about any kind of melon really or fruit, but it is something about water melon that makes me obsessive, just as cherries does.




I am wearing a skirt from Beyond Retro, a bustier from Urban Outfitters, Creepers from Underground and sunglasses from The Red Cross.
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ABBA during the 70's





My parents and I often take walks through the golf course that lies near by our house. Mostly beacause it has great walking paths that altogether gives you a length of 3 miles, which normally is what we're looking for. But also because of the amazing sourroundings. With the meadows and different sizes of hills all colored with bright green and at night when the sun is on its way down it is a pretty magical sight i can assure you. It actually feels a lot like a scene picked out from Sound of music.
However, I have been craving to take photos there and so Jonas and I did a while ago, when the green grass had just started showing. I chose to wear a top I have sewed myself and my new pink 70's pants, which according to my 12-year-old brother makes me look like one of the ABBA artists. I found them at second hand, and even though I am not completely comfortable wearing them yet, since it is not the most common garment in my closet at all, I really like them.






brutal green hearts


About a week ago, when we had a few days off from school, Jonas and I brought the camera and shot a few photos inside and outside, with and without circular flash, here and there. Those times when you ignore your real to-do-things, like school assignments, can sometimes be the best. Because then you have consciously chosen to do something else, and truly taken time to do it, which often makes the activity much more succesful. That's what I've experienced anyway.
However, These photos are a few of the bunch we took that day. You'll get to se more later on, so stay tuned.



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Let's be honest about organizing







Here is the other part of Amanda's and my photo session pretending it's summer. The amazing thing about taking photos in a white bed near the window is the light, like in my room here, is that the pictures get a very clear and sharp impression of natural causes. Which makes the session-making a whole lot easier in contrast to other times. Often you need to outsmart the system of your current surroundings and natural conditions, to get the feeling and special touch you are looking for. Even though having to plan, organize and figure out the best way to take a particulary photo are things I love about photography, since that is something I always enjoy doing, sometimes it is truly appreciated when everything is just going with the flow. Now let's be honest, isn't that something we enjoy whatever we are doing?
However, I am wearing my striped Jeffrey Campbell platforms, my tie-dyed brace trousers and a cute white top with a knitted lace at the neck.
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no shivering at sunset

After we had found the beach that day, when we were strolling around looking for the market, we couldn't resist paying a visit at night. So we changed for dinner and since it got dark so fast in Tenerife we could watch the sunset and then still be in time for dinner. Extremly punctual.








We went to the beach and it was even more amazing view at night, than it had been at noon that day. There were one of those times when you are absolutely sure that either you're looking at a beautiful painting or you must be in a fairytale. It was truly surreal, but amazing.
Then at night we changed clothes again, but this time only to wear our robes and then we fell asleep to a movie.








something familiar as well as something new


Thought I would share two of the things that are reminding me right now of something really good, like over-the-top-happy kind of good if you know what I'm mean. Those things that keep coming and going all year round, which you can think of when other stuff don't seem too good. It could be things that are either reminding of what is about to come or that is already here. In this case it is about to come.
The first thing is the signs of summer, that we are getting more and more of up here in north. Signs like buds in trees, flowers in the garden and off the street, birds twittering, being able to have the kitchen door open, sitting outside in only shorts without freezing. The wheather this time of the year varies like crazy between foggy rain with icy winds, and clear blue skies with a burning sun. Even though the cold winds are awful, I really love this time's changes because every day passing is a step closer to summer.




The other thing is my new rainbow shoes that I got about a week ago. I ordered them especially for my upcoming graduation, but I have a feeling these will be one of the summer favorites this year. According to they are abolutely perfect for that particulary day, and any other day as well. And the white thing hanging in the background of the third photo, is actually my graduation dress, which I will show you more of later on.
However, these shoes remind me of what is about to come. I must admit I, as many other, have the scary feeling of leaving everything that has been familiar for more than a decade of our lives. But in spite of all that I couldn't be more excited about the next upcoming episode of my life. I am not quite sure of what I want to do with my life yet, but there really is no rush. At least that's what I've heard and trying to convince myself.
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the one with the marketing





One day, in Tenerife, we decided to make a visit down at the market near by our hotel. It is always as exciting to got to the market, prepare your stuborn self and make some real good bargains. We both made a few good ones there, which then became the typical coming-home-from-trip-gifts to our families. You get to make up for the countless times your parents have come home and given you gifts.
However, It was really really hot that day, so a bunch of water bottles had to come with and never have water tasted so good.




Since we didn't know the neighborhood very well, obviously, we took a little detour before we found our way to the market. But it didn't matter that much, because then we got to see the beach, which also was just a few hundred metres from the hotel. Even though it wasn't windy at all, the waves were extremly high. We had so much fun.












I am wearing a turqoise top I made myself, a pair of denim shorts I have also made myself and a Ben'nJerry's cap.
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