after all.. I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy



The fourth day of our week in London we went to Notting Hill. Strolling through alleys eating the most wonderful creamy gelato ice cream. I picked two amazing flavors, biscotto (the italian version of milk and cookies) and hazelnut. Truly amazing. We bought it at a cute little ice cream store called Gelato Mio, which I strongly recommend for those of you who will visit London and Notting Hill.
For me who has seen the movie "Notting Hill", as I am sure many of you have too, it was just fantastic to be surrounded by all these cute colorful buildings and houses and the blue shiny doors with golden doorknobs as they have in that movie. It kind of felt like you were Julia Roberts "Anna", just for a second, walking down the street with sunglasses and visitng small boutiques with books and other interesting stuff.
I wore my new tie dye overalls that day, which I bought the day before at a great second hand store at Camden Market. They are wonderful, perfect for those days when you don't have the strength to come up with something to wear. Then you can just put these on and have a whole outfit done already. perfect. I will show you the whole outfit more clearly later. until then, stay tuned.




thus an orange turtleneck and leafs of autumn



The other day I put on my new favorite turtleneck, which I accidently found at The Red Cross about a week ago, and Amanda and I went to a beautiful park in our city, where autumn turned out to be hidden. As you can see for yourself in the pictures, there was to be found the most wonderful colorful trees and the ground was covered with leafs in different shades of autumn.



the orange turtleneck is the Red Cross, the lace skirt is from Topshop, the orange lipstick is Mac and the Zebra Creepers.
As you probably know by now, if you have been reading my blog for a while, I am not a skirt-kind-of-person. These last couple of days, though, I've become the opposite. Especially the combination of a skirt in a longer length, a belt and a turtle neck. So you will probably see more of that in the future.
By the way, I am well aware of the fact that I need to dye my hair roots, I guess I will do something about it soon. Who knows?
However, the Fashion Week of Umeå is over, but altough it is sad a wonderful week is coming up. My dearly missed sister is coming home tomorrow. She is staying for for the week during her birthday and then I am going back with her to Gothenburg during the Autumn holiday.
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The Red Cross fashion show, speaks for itself







As I told you earlier, I went to The Red Cross fashion show this wednesday, partly to photograph but also because it is so much fun. There were a lot people there and the whole event went pretty great. Accept from the staff at The Red Cross it was also bloggers like The Style Gossiper and Ebba Zingmark who styled the models and the models were amazing.
I will not give you anymore details, I will just let the pictures talk for themselves.




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you have a costume for this year's fashion week?


Okay, so I am right in the middle of fashion week, in my city. Which means different events to got to. I've already been to two of them, one to go. The first one was yesterday. A great fashion show by The Red Cross, which I will show you some pictures from later on, since I witnessed the whole thing. This evening I went on fashion event number two, with Amanda. It was, among other things, a release of JohannaN's latest jewelery collection. We mingled, drank champagne (a bit of a cliche, I know), were privileged with amazing live background music and checked out the latest collection of course.
tomorrow I am going to another event, which I probably will show pictures from later, also. But until then, good night and sleep tight. I will not have a problem with that tonight I can asure you, I will go to sleep as little baby.
I am well aware of the fact that I am mumbling a little right now, but isn't that feeling just amazing?




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a surprising fairy tent story


So I figured I should show you a special event from this summer that I created, that I am very proud of. It truly is more than okay to be proud of something you've accomplished, even if some people may express the opposite. We often tend to underestimate ourselves, which is very wrong and unnecessary and unfair to yourself. We are able to do much greater things than we know of.
however, my dear boyfriend's birthday was coming up, and I thought I would do somthing special, which came out to be a sort of surpise thingy. While he was working I spent the whole day preparing for his home coming. Which, among other things, included buliding the most wonderful little tent, with anything useful that I could get hold of. It actually turned out pretty great. I cooked dinner, made dessert, put it in a basket and prepared a picnic outdoors beside the tent. Lighted some candles, wrapped the presents and turned on some music. When he came home there was a few notes of clues wainting for him, which was supposed to lead him to the picnic I had prepared. It was amazing to see the look on his face when he finally got there. It was very appreciated.
I am well aware of the fact that a simple cake and some presents would have been enough, he would have been just as happy. But that wasn't the point. I think everyone deserve some kind of surprise, something unexpected. And let's be honest, the reaction and look on a person's face, when surprised, is truly irreplaceable. It is much more fun this way, don't you think, doing something even greater?








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Compliments in the rougher part of London




If you ever go to London, you truly need to visit Covent Garden and Brick Lane. It was two of those wonderful places that I fell in love with during my stay there. Covent Garden has the most perfect dinner restaurants, the food is absolutely amazing. The third day we managed to visit four different places. Camden Market, Brick Lane, Covent Garden och Earl's Court. They are all great places, but I especially recommend Brick Lane and Covent Garden. Camden Market is, obviously, a market full of different things; chinese food (as you can see pictured above) and a lot of clothing stores with really intersesting and rather usual stuff. Brick Lane is a really cool place, the bit rougher part of London, but yet so cosy and they have huge and amazing second hand stores, one of them is the great store Blitz. You should check it out!
Earl's Court and Covent Garden I have told you about before, in earlier posts, but we had our hotel in Earl's Court and Covent Garden was this magic place with restaurants and troubadours.







it was a great day and we met a lot of interesting and nice people. Basically everyone who lives in London is nice, truly. Two unexpected but nice guys, as you can see on the picture above, stopped because they wanted to be in a picture. Another nice person that we met on Oxford Street on a different day suddenly came up to us and said tht he just had to stop and tell us what nice outfits we had on, he just had to stop and say that. Amazing isn't it? We, Swedes, should really learn from them. To give compliments to one and one other.




all of the clothes that I am wearing in these pictures are new. except from the backpack. The knitted black sweater is from Topshop and so is the amazing lace skirt and the blue Dr Martens.
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you've ever had breakfast at Tiffany's?

Have you ever had breakfast at Tiffany's? I actually have, truly.
These pictures were shot the third day in London. We continued with our senior year project (that I told you about in THIS earlier post) and did the opening scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's, if you have never seen or even heard about this movie before you should look it up and watch it immediately, it is truly amazing. However, we did that scene just outside of Tiffany's dressed like this and it was so much fun. We got a lot of questions from the people who past by; what we were doing, if it was breakfast at Tiffany's, which designer we were shooting for and so on. We even got photographed by a street style photographer, which was the second time that week.
I will most likely show you our movie scene that we made later on, when we are finished editing, but for now you can take a look at these pics instead.







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the floral cut offs couldn't bare it

the second day, of our week in London, we did a lot of different things. The subway in London is just amazing, even though it is a huge city, it only takes a few minutes to go from one place to another. we were pretty amazed by this so we travelled a lot between places. This made us believe that one day was three whole days, since we had experinced so many different things in one day. It was pretty much the feeling we had the whole week.


That day we, among many other things, went to Oxford Street for round number one of shopping. It was crazy fun, I can asure you. I have never in my life, so far, witnessed as many crazy-good-looking clothes at one place.
another, rather unexpected but fun, experience that day was a woman who suddenly stopped me to ask if she could take a street style picture of me. I said she could, so all of the sudden I was standing in the middle of Oxford Street in London, posing for a complete stranger. It was the first time that week, but not the last, it happened twice after that, in only one week. But I will tell you more about those times later.
by the way, the bulidings in the backround pictured above we you can almost spot our hotel, it is only a few metres from where I'm standing. A beautiful neighborhood.
hope you have had a great weekend and a good start of a new week, I have and I hope it will stay that way. God evening.
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