London calling, How can I help you?

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This past week I've been away on one of the most wonderful trip of my life. Dear friends, I have finally been to lovely London. Last monday Amanda and I packed our bags, flew over there and called it our home for a whole week. The main reason of this trip was to do our senior year project, more about that later on, but we have experienced countless things this week and I will do my best to show and tell you all about it.
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pink adventures // part one

okay so I thought it was time for a new post, the last one is getting a bit outmoded. I want to present to you all the pictures from the birthday-surprise-day I got from Amanda in the middle of summer. We did a lot of great things that day and one of them was a pretty ambitious assignment. We dressed up to our most stylish self, dipdyed our hair and brought ourselves and the camera out for some pink adventures.


The assignment was to work us through some particular places in the city and take photos, like we always do.. I know, but it was different this time. We brought out our silly and childish selves and were determined to not care what anyone would think. And since we both are into movies and the feeling that music brings into the movie, we also brought a speaker with us. So we played pretty loud music while taking photographs, which made everything so much more fun. wouldn't it be awesome if music could synced to the reality, just like in movies?!
It was a great experience, really, you really should try it, and the photos came out to be pretty awesome. so here it is, the first part. enjoy!





By the way, if you're wondering what I am wearing; the top is from Beyond Retro, the white denim shorts are American Apparel, knitted vest is H&M, shoes is Jeffery Campbell and the black vest is designed and made by myself.
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be careful what you fish for

summer is all around, or well.. let me rephrase that - summer is supposed to be all around at this time, but I haven't seen so much of it lately. We have had a few great hot summer days here in Sweden, but I was kind of hoping for more than those few moments. on the other hand, the summer isn't over just yet so I am still hoping it will explode very soon.
so at the moment my life is filled with a lot of working days, thus the busy-ness, but I have had a few days of this week. In those few days I have managed both to take my driving license and bought a car with Jonas. So I can feel the adrenaline bubbling and the freedom coming.
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with great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY













these are the rest of the pictures Amanda and I shot like two weeks ago. And, as I wrote earlier, both the lovely bustier and the pastel skirt are from Gina Tricot. And my striped shoes I bought at Nasty Gal (Jeffrey Campbell).
I don't know about you but I, however, am not a huge fan of action-movies. There are a few that I like, but not my favorite-kind-of-movie. Whatsoever, a couple of weeks ago I watched spiderman (the first one) with my sister and brother and, surprisingly, it came out to be a very good movie. I strongly recommend it, which is something I never thought I would do, so you should really take some time and watch it. There are a bit of action involved, yes, but also some love. But what I will never forget about spiderman, is the wise words he believed in - with great power comes great responsibility. That is something I recommend even more. You, as well as I, will end up in a lot of situations through life when power has been given you. When that happens, use it wisely because you have been given as much responsibility.
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half BLOND half GINGER






the cerulean collar dress and the mocha jacket are from The Red Cross and the shoes Jeffrey Campbell.
I found this crazy colorful collar dress at The Red Cross the other week. Intensive colors in general is something I feel very drawn to right now. If it is possible to fall in love with colors, that's what I'm doing.
speaking of colors, as you can see I have dip dyed my hair. So from now on I am half ginger, half blond. I couldn't be happier.
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a cupcake at sunset


believe it or not, but both the mint colored skirt and the powder bustier with roses I bought at Gina Tricot. Not a store that usually fits into my kind of clothing, but this time it surprised me. And the shoes are Jeffrey Campbell.
I have had a wonderful weekend full of different things. I spent some time in town and went through some stores and actually tried on some clothes. it has been like forever since the last time I did that in my city. this led to me finding the cutest outfit ever. In pastels of course, what else this time of the year, right? this combination of colors makes me feel like a cupcake. I love it. Amanda and I shot these pictures in yesterday's amazing summer sunset.
But this is just a few previews. AND MORE TO COME! so stay tuned.
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I'm not STRONG enough to stop the BOMB, they just keep on FALLING





So these past four days I have spent in the south of Sweden, where the most of my relatives are located. this time we went for one particulary reason actually. My grandma has, believe it or not, just recently gotten married to this really lovely guy. They make a very cute couple. So this was a visit of a-bridal-party-purpose.
They live in this wonderful city called Örebro, which I fall more and more in love with each time I am there. If you are going to live in or visit Sweden, Örebro is a splendid choice. It is the 7th greatest city of Sweden and has the most precious pedestrian streets all over the place. and all of the colorful, beautiful trees fits in perfectly and a castle right in the middle of the town. I would very much prefer to live there in the future.
however, the UCONN-top is actually my sister's (which she received from her friend who studies at the UCONN college at the moment), the collar I bought a few months ago from the company One More Time, the yellow shorts I bought at the Red Cross the other week (which I turned into shorts from a pair of jeans). Last but not least, give a round of applause for my new striped platforms from Jeffrey Campbell, Nasty Gal.







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it is not lapis and not turqouise, it's actually CERULEAN








finally friday has arrived and I could not be happier. The past few weeks has been awfully stressful. I have now not just ended up with a exhausting mind, but also a stomach ache. And I have nothing but the stress to thank for it. It is intimidating what stress can cause.
However the week is over and I have actually decided to stay home tonight, and do things that I usually never have the time to do. Like, redecorating in my room. I have finally managed to drag myself to buy a peice of fabric, which I will use wisely to create something to my room. It has been so long since I spended time with my sewing machine. it is about time tonight.
Since I have promised myself a while ago to try baking a carrot cake in the near future, I think I will take that challenge tonight as well. And of course I will probably end up watching one of my favorite movies at the end of the night. So long.
The magnificant and cosy knitted cerulean sweater and the beautiful lank dress are both of course from The Red Cross (Röda Korset, Kupan city). And the Dress actually belongs to me since last wednesday at the opening ceremony.
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what took you so long?









today it is friday. THANK GOD it's friday! Friday what took you so long?
I don't know about you. But , for me, today is all about calming down from a week full of hysterics. I am really exhausted. I have had a swedish final, a mini-driving-license-test before the real thing in a few weeks and last but not least I am struggling with a small project in photography. But I am trying my best to keep my head high.
Have a great weekend everyone!
except from my creepers, all of the clothes (blue flowery shirt and denim pants) are from the Red Cross (röda korste, kupan) and if you're swedish and live in Umeå you can find them at Kupan city.
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the custard shirt is from Urban Outfitters. the pants suit are second hand, the Red Cross actually. and last but not least the shoes are from Circus Sale.
Easter is here and yesterday I had the most wonderful day together with Jonas and mum. we didn't do something super special or anything, but we had a great time. Eat a marvelous breakfast. Took a long walk in the sunny weather. Looked for Easter eggs that mum had hide for us. Watched a movie and made a awful good dinner. as I said - a great day.
It was one of those days that didn't feel stressful at all. I don't get a lot of those these days, so I am very grateful.
hope you have had and will keep on having a great Easter.
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easter's coming up, it might be COCA COLA








all of the clothes are from the Red Cross (röda korset) - the long marine cardy and the cute flowery shirt/dress.
The winter is back. I know it is not what appears on the photos. That's because they were taken last tuesday, before the endless snowing started and the hideous cold came back. And as suddenly surprising the weather changed tremendously, I have also managed to get a horrible cold. I hope it get over soon. Because Easter is coming up this weekend and the spring break next week, and it would be nice to have the strength to do something but lie in bed.
to the suedes: the flowery shirt you can find on the Red Cross (Kupan city, Röda korset), but the cardigan I fell in love with myself and is exactly what I have been looking for, so I actually bought it yesterday.
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spongebob and me









here is the rest of the photos of spongebob and me. I love how absolutely silly that top looks, just my kind of clothes. it gets me so happy just by looking at it. and the denim shorts are of course another work of Days in Denim
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nu ser han sådär frånvarande ut igen

after a long week full of school stuff, it is finally time for the annual winter sports holiday. It feels just about time. on monday I am heading up north to our cabin with Jonas, my sister and a friend of hers and later on the rest of our family will join us too.
we will be busy downhill skiing, pretty much the whole week. But of course there will be some movie nights, probably a few parlour games and just hanging around the cabin, sitting infront of the fireplace doing nothing, just because you would like to.
have an awesome week everyone! see you around.
and by the way, the retro yellow top is my sisters, from secondhand reborn and the black denim shorts were a par of jeans before I made them my new par of favorite denim shorts.
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you is kind. you is smart. you is important.

I have some things I have not showed to you, like these denim shorts that I bought at Beyond Retro and remaked a bit myself. The christmas red jumper is something I found in the closet and remaked too and the collar is my sister's. My mocha jacket is also a new second-hand purchase I got the other week.
As you can see I have dyed my hair, it was last week and I am really pleased about this colour, it is not actually this bright red though, it is more of a ginger-kind-of-colour. and I love it!







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comptine d'un autre été l'après midi



har fastnat i en instrumental period just nu och Yann Tiersen har blivit en ny favorit.
det är så otroligt skönt att vara utan ord och fraser ibland. kan inte ni också känna så?
de är mest bara ivägen ibland, däför kan det vara skönt att ta en paus från allt prat och dessa oändliga ord.





mocha coat - second hand. mustard muffler - monki. fur bandeau - H&M.
blue button sweater - weekday second hand. wine-colored shirt - weekday second hand. denim shorts - beyond retro. black leather belt - dad's.
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move at a glacial pace. you know how that thrills me





idag har det inte varit så underbart väder som man hade kunnat hoppas på. dimman var i farten och regnet bokstavligt talat hängde i luften, så bebishåret står åt alla håll efter en ansträngande cykeltur, bussfärd, promenad hem.
men har precis nu kommit hem efter spenderat tid med tre sköna flickor, då vi har planerat ett kommande projekt. men mer om det får ni veta längre senare i månaden för hoppningsvis, om allt går som det ska.

den vita spetstoppen har jag själv gjort, shortsen är second hand och västen inhandlade jag för ett år sen på weekday - som förövrigt är riktigt mysig.
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the details of your INCOMPETENCE do not interest me.




idag blir det till att packa inför kommande resa på fredag morgon. sedan ska jag städa huset så det blir lite rent runt omkring mig, men efter det är det slut på tråkigheter och ska istället fara mot min pojkes bo och vila ut.
igår hade jag dessutom en riktigt bra dag. spenderade tid med min kära vän sofie och vi hittade på lite roligheter som ni får se senare och sedan åkte jag hem och firade min systers födelsedag hela kvällen, mysigt.



blusen är lånad av amanda och omtyckt av mig. byxorna har jag faktiskt haft turen att FÅ av min andra vän emma. och skorna vet ni är från dna.
tack och hej leverpastej.
what would you be without your fairytale



det är lov och ledigheten pirrar ända ut i fingertopparna.
jag har en tendens till att aldrig hålla mig hemma på loven, kan inte komma ihåg ett enda då jag faktiskt bara varit hemma i staden och tagit det lugnt, förutom kanske någon jul. men annars far jag och flänger.
bara första helgen har gått av lovveckan och jag har redan lyckats varit bosatt i fjällstugan med min kära familj, min pojke och lite släkt, hunnit bestiga en bergstopp, läst en halv bok (vilket för mig är otroligt), städat och bara njutit.
nu är jag tillbaka hemma och har med min syster lyckats möblera och göra om mitt rum helt och hållet. underbart.
och det bästa är att en hel vecka är kvar av lovet och en hel del kul väntar.



mysig tröja inhandlade jag för längesedan på second hand, den gulliga blomklänningen är amandas och skorna är second hand.
tack och hej leverpastej.
I hear THIS and I wanna hear THIS


idag har varit en lite konstig dag. dels för att jag har varit så virrig och trött men också för att jag idag helt från ingenstans har välkomnat in en ny kamera i min samling. en gammal skönhet, en M-I-N-O-L-T-A-kamera.
hur förvånansvärt det en må låta så var det en gåva från min gulliga lärare. hon tyckte inte den kom till användning hemma och den bara låg och skräpade. Så eftersom att hon visste foto är ett stort intresse hos mig så fick jag äran att ärva hennes gamla Minolta. med gammal film och framkallning. som jag längtat och eftersökt en sådan.
we make such a great team, me and my new friend Minolta.




halsduk kommer från monki. jackan och väskan är second hand. skorna inskaffade jag från DNA. den vita skjortan är från vila och klänningen från monki.
vad gillar ni min nya jacka då? en till höst/vinterjacka som blir välanvänd. varm och mysig precis som det ska vara.
tack och hej leverpastej.
yesterday I got lost in the CIRCUS



det nya löftet angående detta, går helt perfekt och jag jag är så glad över mitt lilla beslut.
Inhandlade två nya höst/vinterjackor för någon månad sedan. och den här röda flis/lilla-My-jackan en av de. och den är verklig hur mysig som helst. den vill jag gärna bo i.
och sedan har jag nyss också köpt mig ett par sköna kängor också. perfekt nu när kylan börjar komma. båda grejerna är alltså från second hand och jag kan inte vara mer nöjd.






väska - second hand. tröja - urban outfitters. längre skjorta - monki. ny flisjacka - second hand. nya kängskor - second hand. senapsgul halsduk - monki.
tack och hej leverpastej.